24 March 2009

Don’t Let Your Emotional Baggage Get In Your Way!

Many of us have our feet firmly planted on the treadmills of life – pursuing careers, building businesses, running homes, etc. Hence, our lives become so cluttered, we loose sight of the woman we have become. Rarely do we have adequate time (and space) to deal with what’s going on within us. And when you add to the equation the life challenges we face, it’s no surprise we become laden with emotional baggage (e.g. unresolved issues, negative emotions, unhealthy or inaccurate mindsets, etc). Rather than dealing with it, many of us opt to brush it aside and keep sprinting through life. After all, we have so much to do.

12 January 2009

Tough But Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself

We all shy away from asking ourselves tough questions. Maybe because we are afraid of the answers. So we adopt common approaches that include burying our heads in the sand, wearing a mask and pretending like every thing is ok. But who are we kidding especially as we are falling apart at the seems? To hold ourselves together, we opt for temporary plasters (e.g. food, alcohol, money, sex, drugs). But all they do is cause further problems down the line.