20 June 2011

Please Let Me Be!

A note to all those who feel the need to tell me how to live, be, do, think...LET ME BE!

Let me be the woman I was created to be. You might not 'get' me or understand the rational behind what I do but that's ok. But please don't feel the need to change me into something I am not. Rather, make the effort to understand me. Better still; accept me the way I am. I'm not saying I have it all figured out or I'm any where near perfect but I'm a work in progress.

17 June 2011

Take Charge Of Your Mind

Does it sometimes feel like your mind is calling the shots of your life? If so, take charge! Remember your attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts drive your behaviours. So if you have been 'acting up' of late, you may want reflect on what you allow into your mind and/or what you have permitted to settle in it. Next, give your mind a Detox. I practice this through praying, reading scripture and other 'wholesome' food along with other activities to nurture and develop my mind. Practice this regularly and you WILL see a change.