16 February 2012

“I Don’t Have To!” Essential Words To Help You Live The Guilt-Free Life

- I don’t have to be the one to help out people, family or friends all the time because God has others lined up to use too!

- I don’t have to be the one to bail family and friends out all the time – just do what I know what God wants me to do and leave the rest. I am not God.

2 February 2012

Five Commandments To Liberate All The Superwomen In The House

Take it from a former Superwoman, these are vital empowering tips that have changed my life. So just in case you find it difficult to say ‘no’, feel guilty when they do, want to be ‘all things to all men’ and even bend over backwards to please others despite the negative impact it has on your life, I dedicate this to you. So here goes: