20 January 2010

A New Year, A New You!

Being a new year, our resolution lists tend to feature the goals we want to accomplish. However, they rarely include (or prioritise) goals that focus on our own personal development. Working on our inner selves tends to take a back seat whilst we strive for what we, at times, consider to be more important or worthwhile. But without clearing out your old ‘junk’, how will you make room for the new? Moreover, what will your chances of success be with all the inner clutter you are carrying around? Sounds hard but it is worth a second thought.

You may be wondering why working on 'you' is so important? Well the truth is what resides on the inside of you (the good, bad and the ugly) underpins your behaviours/actions. And your behaviours/actions have a direct impact on your outcomes (i.e. your goals, performance, effectiveness, etc). So, if you are harbouring inner clutter (e.g. unresolved issues, negative emotions, etc), you may find yourself striving but not achieving the outcomes you want, when you want and/or how you want.

To make matters worse, rather than making the necessary adjustments, some of us opt to ‘cover up’ with our masks whilst pouring in more effort into our goals by working harder and harder. But have you noticed that no matter how hard you work or how much you achieve; your inner clutter still hampers you? Just look around you - take a peek into homes, offices, communities, the media or society at large, and you can see the detrimental effects of inner turmoil and clutter (i.e. emotional baggage) in peoples lives.

Therefore, I challenge you to prioritise working on YOU this year. Make this the year you tackle your emotional clutter (e.g. unresolved issues, low self-esteem, fear, etc). Work on creating a healthier and stronger inner being. Trust me, it is worth paying the price now rather than latter because emotional baggage is like garden weed - it continues to thrive and can ruin a beautiful garden. So deal with them today!

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