26 May 2010

Is It Time For A Beak?

Many of us (me included) rush around through life trying to accomplish our great dreams and goals. Day in, day out, we forge ahead at full speed despite the huge challenges and pressures we face (not forgetting the disappointments too!). Yet many of us don’t know when to apply the breaks. Before you know it, your effectiveness, productivity, capabilities, motivation, etc plummets.

Take a moment to consider these questions. Are you feeling disillusioned, frustrated or unmotivated? Are you suffering from burnout physically, spiritually or emotionally? These are telltale signs that you are heading for a fall. So can I suggest something? Why not give yourself a well-deserved break? Why not carve out a few days, weeks or even months – depending on your personal needs, to nurture yourself and get yourself back up to speed?

Take it from a Pro. You are only human – not superhuman. After a period of hard graft, it is only natural to feel exhausted. After constant disappointments, its natural to feel disillusioned or frustrated. However, you need to ensure that you put systems in place to support you finishing your life journey and finish it well (i.e. healthy and sane!). Part of your plan ought to be taking a break. Funny isn’t it how we know to take our cars in for a service after driving for a certain period of time or number of miles, yet we struggle to do the same for ourselves. What an irony.

So why not take some time out to rekindle the fires that were once alight in you? This will allow you to rest, reflect, be restored, replenished, and refocused. You owe it to yourself! More importantly, you owe it to the people you have been created to serve (i.e. the rest of us). Trust me Sis, we need you whole and well.

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