26 July 2011

Quick Tips To Promoting Your Emotional Wellbeing

1. Strive to make the following a reality in your life: Equilibrium, Harmony, Peace, Contentment, Pace, Time management.

2. Try to avoid triggers that may affect your wellbeing e.g. Stress, pressure, over committing yourself, too much going on at the same time.

3. Balance all the segments of your life such as: Physical environment, health, career, relationships, fun, personal development

4. Watch out for early warning signs:

a. Physical: Feeling run down, drained, change in appetite and sleeping patterns.

b. Emotional: Lack of motivation, sense of hopeleness, negative outlook, detachment.

c. Spiritual: Issues with God, feeling forsaken, issues with forgiveness, guilt, finding it difficult to pray.

d. Social: Isolation, withdrawing from responsibilities, using food, drugs, money, etc to cope,

5. Get the support you need: Friends, family, professional help (e.g. counselling)

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