15 September 2010

Want To Succeed With Your Goals? Work On The Inner You

Every year, millions of us start making plans to achieve our and/or professional goals. These may include landing a dream job, starting or building a business, buying a home, writing a book, embarking a training/professional programme, etc. However, if you are serious about making your goals/aspirations a success, I have a tip for you: Work on the inner you. Specifically, Get Rid Of Your Emotional Clutter!

18 August 2010

Are Your Reservoirs Full?

Do you find yourself constantly sacrificing yourself for others, to your own detriment?
Are you drained from continuously 'doing' without the necessary investment to keep you going?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, my question to you is how long do you think you will last running on empty?

Honestly, life is not about constantly being ‘on the go’. It is about striking a healthy balance between what you ‘pour out’ and what you ‘pour back in’. As you pour out, you need to replace what you have become devoid of. Doing this helps you remain ‘fit for service’. Just the same way you will not drive your car on an empty gas tank, is the same way you ought to treat yourself.

28 July 2010

It’s High Time For My Time!

Nowadays, we seem to be doing so much – all at the same time. Those around us are constantly demanding more of our time, efforts, and even our money. In return, we continue to yield even more. Being the resourceful creatures we are, we find ourselves wearing many hats such as wife/girlfriend, mummy, career/business woman, older/eldest sister, student, friend, counsellor, and much more – all at the same time. We just seem to keep pouring out.

7 July 2010

It’s All In The Mind

Have you ever thought about the powerful correlation that exists between the state of ones mind and the level of success one accomplishes. Do you realise that harbouring unhealthy emotional traits can thwart all your good intentions to succeed? This is particularly important for those aiming for the top.

16 June 2010

Three Myths That Can Sabotage Your Potential For Success

In recent years, I have been looking into the emotional challenges women face and how this affects our ability to succeed. I discovered the fact that a number of us embraced certain myths, which in the long term could have a negative impact on our emotional well-being. And when care is not taken to redress this, our potential to succeed could be dramatically affected.

26 May 2010

Is It Time For A Beak?

Many of us (me included) rush around through life trying to accomplish our great dreams and goals. Day in, day out, we forge ahead at full speed despite the huge challenges and pressures we face (not forgetting the disappointments too!). Yet many of us don’t know when to apply the breaks. Before you know it, your effectiveness, productivity, capabilities, motivation, etc plummets.

5 May 2010

Deal With Your F.E.A.R!

Have you ever started a project, dream or goal and but quit because of your fears? Maybe you had an idea but never got it off the ground because you thought it might not workout? Are you the type whose mind conjures 101 images of what could go wrong? Sounds like you may have been bitten by the FEAR bug?

14 April 2010

Are You A Survivor?

I recently came across the lyrics of the song, “I am a survivor” by Destiny’s Child and it made me think. Whilst the song appears to be talking of a failed relationship, it can be applied to any challenging situation you may face (disappointment, loss, depression, ill-health, etc). For me, it was a wake up call to say, actually, I AM A SURVIVOR – through Gods grace and no strength of mine

24 March 2010

Are You Suffering From Rejection?

Though we don’t like to admit this, many of us are suffering from the effects of rejection. You may find yourself saying, “well I just got on with life” but have you really? By the way, just because you have physically moved on is no indication that same has taken place emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

3 March 2010

Change The Rules And Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life

Is there a discrepancy between the life you live now and the life you dream of?Are you constantly frustrated by the way you have crafted your life?

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above, my question to you is what are you willing to do about it? Many of us crave change but do little or nothing to make the change a reality. Now let me put things into context here. Change does not have to be some huge life-changing activity (although it can include such goals). Nor does it have to take a great deal of effort to bring about the change. I often find that it is the little changes I make in my life that adds the most value.

10 February 2010

Don’t Let The Credit Crunch Get You Down

When you mention the current economic climate, many of us tend to focus on its financial impact, our job security, and so on. However, the effects of the recession can be more far-reaching than this. If care is not taken, it can affect your emotional and mental wellbeing – a condition I am referring to as the ‘Recession Syndrome’.

And so, you may find yourself becoming depressed about your situation. You may display negative emotions (e.g. fear, anger, bitterness). You may even resort to ‘blocking out’ your circumstances through the use of food, alcohol, spending, etc. Simply put, you have now amassed emotional baggage of your own.

20 January 2010

A New Year, A New You!

Being a new year, our resolution lists tend to feature the goals we want to accomplish. However, they rarely include (or prioritise) goals that focus on our own personal development. Working on our inner selves tends to take a back seat whilst we strive for what we, at times, consider to be more important or worthwhile. But without clearing out your old ‘junk’, how will you make room for the new? Moreover, what will your chances of success be with all the inner clutter you are carrying around? Sounds hard but it is worth a second thought.