After a while of people telling
you, “you are not good enough”, your confidence can get knocked, especially
when you start to hear it time and time again. You may find you start to second
guess yourself and self-doubt who you believe you are. But please be rest
assured that greatness lies within you. Just because others can't see it or
fail to appreciate it has nothing to do with the matter.
The power that lies within you
can take you to great heights. For example, if you believe you can change your
nation, you can become the leader of your nation tomorrow. If you believe you
have been given an artistic or business flair, you can be to next best thing in
the art world or a successful business owner. Are you able to write your own
lyrics and perform? You could be the next best selling artist. So don’t go by
what others tell you. Let your internal voice tell you who you are.
You want to know my secret of
rising above such situations? I go into the bible to remind myself of the
precious masterpiece I was created to be (Ephesians 2:10). I look for as many
affirming quotes I can find and allow them to take root in me (not just head
knowledge). In addition to this, I go to my Creator for reassurance that I am
on the right track. And when I get the go ahead, no one can stop me. I just
find ways around such people and get on with my assignment.
The fact is, you will be challenged every step of the way
but when you fortify yourself from within, you will reach the finishing line.
Yes, we need to learn who we truly are in Christ
We need a constant reminder of this especially as the world is bent on telling us otherwise.
We need a constant reminder of this especially as the world is bent on telling us otherwise.
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