question? Perhaps but could this be the reason why some of us are experiencing
a conundrum of modern syndromes/unexplained illnesses such as chronic fatigue, various
disorders (e.g. digestive, sleep, eating disorders), muscle aches/pains, etc?
In recent years, these have left many doctors baffled. More so, us Christians especially
as we fast, pray and bind the devil. But are we giving the enemy far too much
credit when in fact we should be looking closer to home?
Did We Get Here?
some possible reasons for our allergic responses, I did consider whether there
was a chance that as a generations, we might have become inept in dealing with ‘life’
(some experts see this as a likely contributory factor). I'm sure past generations
could argue that we have it easy today. And thanks to modern medicine, many
parts of the world have seen the eradication of deadly diseases and a decrease
mortality rates. So what is the problem?
I feel our modern way of life is a likely culprit. Many of us face ongoing
stresses and challenges. These include loneliness, isolation, broken/failing
relationships, failure, disappointment, overwhelming commitments, daily
pressures, unresolved emotional issues (past and present), to name a few, which
seem to have gradually taken their toll on our bodies. Did past generations
have to go through this? I think not. I consider my late grannies and their steady
pace of life in Nigeria.
I think of their powerful support network of their extended family. I think of
the fact that they did not have to travel to remote parts of the world to find
work or search for a better life – meaning they were not cut off from their
community. When an issue came up, there was always an elder to open up to as
opposed to harbouring their hurts/concerns/problems. Issues were aired. I think
of the fact that they did their allotted work for the day and knew when to
stop. When the evening came and they could no longer work on their farms, they came
home to rest, eat and be with their families. And so, it is no surprise that I
never heard my grannies complain of irritable bowel syndrome or fibromyalgia!
And so I
maintain that a huge contributory factor is our modern lifestyles. It’s like we
have become allergic to the very life we pursue or is thrown at us. It’s not
that we are weaker, our bodies are simply buckling under such pressures –
leaving us susceptible to modern syndromes. And so, whilst it would seem we
have advanced in many regards (e.g. technologically), we seemed to be slipping
when it comes to our health and wellbeing.
But is this
Gods idea of the abundant life? Certainly not! Weren’t we supposed to prosper,
even as our soul prospered? (3 John 1:2). Yet, some of us are a far cry from this.
So maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee before we do ourselves
irreparable damage and cut our lives short.
Retracing Our Steps
So how do
we tackle our modern day allergies? Just like a highly wound-up coil, we need
to reverse the trends and scrutinise our lives. Whilst we can't go back to the
way our grand parents lived, we have so much to learn from their moderately-paced
and balanced lifestyle. It’s down to us to take individual responsibility and
manage this. We should consider what's missing or what needs to be eradicated.
Might you need to cut out the techie gadgets/tools that cut you off from human
interactions and keep you perpetually working? Consider this: would you carry
your desktop PC into bed or have it on your lap when relaxing with your
family/friends? So why do so with a laptop or other device? I feel there is a need
to build a supportive network of people who can help us when we are
experiencing one of those ‘life moments’. I believe the church has a crucial
role to play in this, seeing many of us are separated from loved ones. Such
would afford us the opportunity to open up and be listened to rather than
internalising our issues (PS: emotional baggage can make you sick! It’s been
proven). And what happened to our Sabbath rest? If God found the need to cease
from all activity on the seventh day, why can't we embrace this rest too –
guilt free?
closing, I believe that when we face up to the realities of our present lives, only
then can healing and restoration begin. God is NOT going to come down from
Heaven and do it for us. We have to be the architects of our own health, wellbeing
and lifestyle. So why not take one action today to reverse your allergy to
modern life?
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