30 October 2012

Are You In Hiding? Forgive Others And Love Again

When you have been hurt by others, how do you react? Like many, you might say, ‘I just move on’. But the harsh reality for many is that they remain stuck. On the surface, they might look OK, but underneath lies a heart scored with deep, oozing wounds.

In a bid to stop the ‘hurter’ or potential ‘hurters’ wounding us, we construct barriers around ourselves. Then, when we look at life through the tinted lenses of our hurts, trusting people – and even God – becomes a real issue, even when they pose no threat to us. We bolt up the doors to our hearts and put up a sign that says: ‘No entry’.

5 April 2012

Are You Becoming Allergic To Modern Life?

Strange question? Perhaps but could this be the reason why some of us are experiencing a conundrum of modern syndromes/unexplained illnesses such as chronic fatigue, various disorders (e.g. digestive, sleep, eating disorders), muscle aches/pains, etc? In recent years, these have left many doctors baffled. More so, us Christians especially as we fast, pray and bind the devil. But are we giving the enemy far too much credit when in fact we should be looking closer to home?

22 March 2012

Who Says You Are Not Good Enough? A Reminder Of Who You Really Are

After a while of people telling you, “you are not good enough”, your confidence can get knocked, especially when you start to hear it time and time again. You may find you start to second guess yourself and self-doubt who you believe you are. But please be rest assured that greatness lies within you. Just because others can't see it or fail to appreciate it has nothing to do with the matter.

9 March 2012

You Are Famous!

Do you sometimes feel like you are overlooked, that people tend to forget you exist? Perhaps that is making you feel down as no one seems to give two monkeys about you.

16 February 2012

“I Don’t Have To!” Essential Words To Help You Live The Guilt-Free Life

- I don’t have to be the one to help out people, family or friends all the time because God has others lined up to use too!

- I don’t have to be the one to bail family and friends out all the time – just do what I know what God wants me to do and leave the rest. I am not God.

2 February 2012

Five Commandments To Liberate All The Superwomen In The House

Take it from a former Superwoman, these are vital empowering tips that have changed my life. So just in case you find it difficult to say ‘no’, feel guilty when they do, want to be ‘all things to all men’ and even bend over backwards to please others despite the negative impact it has on your life, I dedicate this to you. So here goes:

19 January 2012

Are You An Approval Junkie?

Do you find you are always wanting to please others or seek their approval? Maybe they have made you feel inadequate in the past and you are striving to live up to who they expect you to be? Or it could be you are seeking to get their attention or love because without it, you just don’t feel right? If that is the case, kindly pause for a moment.